28 January 2009


Okay, I am sitting down now to “write”. I haven’t written anything more than a few sentences for a very, very long time. I am worried about this, but I must plow through.

I am a little worried about smoking. I used to smoke a lot when I wrote before. Hell, I used to smoke doing all kinds of things. But I’ve wanted to put thought to text for a little while now, and every time I even thought about writing something, I really, really wanted a cigarette.

Today was to be the day that I tried this, but then I got two requests last night on Facebook to write down 25 random things about myself. I got through that, and right now this is a bit easier than I thought it would be. So that’s good.

I quit smoking the day I entered the hospital, 13-september-2008. I was in for a while, 20 days. Tomorrow I will try to write about that experience. It was a doozey.

Also, I have a few other issues. I lost my job a few weeks before I got sick. That’s another topic for another day.

Other topics to look forward too: Starting a few days before Christmas, I became really depressed. Like all depressions, there were some up and down times, but the over all feelings I had were bad, very bad. I seem to be over that, for now, but I do want to explore a lot of that in detail, some other writing session.

Why do I want to write right now? I have a few reasons: First, I think keeping a record of my thoughts will have a benefit. I believe it was Thoreau that said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” (Funny side note, I just used the internet to get the spelling, but not to check the quote. Hmmm) I constantly think about my moods and behavior, but I’ve not been documenting any of it. My memory is not very good, so I often just keep going over the same old ground. So, I hope the writing will help with the depression,

Second, I do hope to find a way to make money off my writing again. I have a degree in public relations, but I have never used it as such. My favorite job did involve a good deal of writing, particularly planetarium scripts. I’d like to think I was good at it, but I was probably just good enough. Anyway, I want to be in practice. A writer writes, after all.

Third, I feel best when I am creating something. I’d like to share some of me with the world. I’d like to become good at a craft. Writing is my best shot. I can also take a decent picture, too. If I were a smart person, I would have learned how to combine the two by making webpages back in the day. Instead, I created planetarium shows and the occasional brochure. Perhaps some of this will be transferable. Hmmmm.

Okay, I’ve almost come to the bottom of a standard page, single spaced, in Times New Roman, 12 point. This was my goal on day one. I think I shall post this to Facebook, and my blog on whatever blog site I use. Hopefully more tomorrow. If anyone has a topic or can suggest an assignment, I would be happy to consider writing about it.

Thank you for your time and attention.

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