28 February 2015

Random Things: Then and Now

Okay, this one is a bit of a re-hash, but I think its sort of interesting.  In January of 2009, a Facebook Notes meme was making the rounds, wherein you had to write 25 Random Things about yourself.  Then just recently, something quite like it came back around, but this time someone gave you a random number of random things to write about yourself.  So, please allow me a bit of self indulgence today as I post both the old and the new.  I will not edit the actual content, but I may edit somewhat the extraneous stuff. 

I'm posting this for two main reasons.  One, I find it interesting to compare and contrast what I found interesting enough to list six years apart, and two, I wanted to archive them for posterity, just in case I end up doing another list.  

25 Random Things  (January 2009)

1: I got two of these tonight from two unrelated FaceBook friends. How odd. 

2: This list is going to suck. I’m either going to totally blow it, use lots of filler stuff, or just give TMI. 

3: I’ve not been doing very well lately, but I’m working on it. 

4: I got fired from my last job. Right or wrong, it hurt like hell. 

5: I have more friends that I thought I had. 

6: I play the drums, but not well. My guitar player doesn’t know this, and I hope he never does. 

7: Our band is called the Rhogue Scholars. Look us up on Facebook. 

8: You won’t like the music, but we do. 

9: Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine. 

10: Yes, I still find that joke funny. 

11: I’m very happy to be re-connecting with many people as far back as Jr. High. This would surprise many, many people. 

12: This is the most I have written at one time since I last had a cigarette. That was September 13, 2008. 

13: I went into the hospital that day, and didn’t come back out until October 4, 2008. 

14: I have written and produced almost 10 planetarium programs. Most of the still are still being used. 

15: I can be a real jerk. For those of you that know that, I’m sorry. For those of you who don’t, I hope you never will. 

16: I can’t think of anything for number 16. 

17: I have no special gifts or talents, but I wish I could sing.

18: I find myself caring about things I didn’t before. I wonder what the old me would think of the leftist I’ve become? 

19: I’m too old to still identify with Holden Caufiled, but I do.

20: The first record I remember owning was Shawn Cassidy, featuring his remake of the Doo Run Run. I was six and didn’t know better. 

21: I had a crappy job at a TV station once, but I had the coolest job title ever – Master Control Operator. 

22: It’s impossible for me to listen to a lot of Phish and not get at least a little happy. 

23: I get at least a bit uneasy when bands I like turn out to be, or become, popular. 

24: “Booger!” (I will buy an adult beverage for the first local person that can properly identify that reference.) 

25: My cat’s name is Kepler.


10 Random Things (February 2015)

10: I've been on Facebook so long that I did a "25 Random Things" list in Notes back when that was a thing. I will try not to repeat myself.

9: I have rebuilt my social circle many time through the years, mostly due to migrations and such. I am doing so again, and have a pretty good crew. If you are, or ever were, a friend of mine IRL, you were and are still very special to me. 

8. A friend of mine, who is married, has a lovely family, a very expensive house in a very nice neighborhood and is living the exact life they said they wanted to 20 years ago, said to me the other day that they are envious of the way that the threads of my life are coming together. That blew me away and gave me a bit of perspective on how life has a paddle designed for each of us, no matter how high or low we are.

7. Rosebud.

6. A few years ago I tried to make something like Chicken Marsala. I had had it a few times, and I knew it had mushrooms and marsala wine in a sort of pan sauce. I made a few dishes that were pretty good, but not exactly what I wanted. It honestly never occurred to me to look up a recipe. Well, I did just that recently (okay, three recipes) and then tried my own variation on it. Perfect this time!

5. After just a few months, I can now exercise longer and lift more weights than I ever thought I could. I have also lost nearly 30lbs so far. This is just the start. 

4. I have a blog called Missives and Mischief. If you Google that phrase, it's the top one.  Please do so and leave comments if you can. I need to feed my ego. 

3. There are moments when I envy the people who can apparently not think about things all the time. I'm not talking about worry, but actual thinking. I am constantly told that I am over analyzing or being too deep. Sometimes, for just brief moments, I want to just fit in. Then I come to my senses.

2. Like most of my life, I had no idea what I was going to write when I started this. I do like to improvise a lot. I also like to plan. I don't think those two things are contradictory. Usually, when I make a plan, its there if I need it, but I never feel tied to it. It's how I often write. And cook. And clean or do a project. It's most manifested in the music that I used to make with my old band. Even though I was just the drummer, in many ways the music we came up with perfectly fit my brain. I owe a big thanks to Zac Isaiah for those years. Maybe some day we will once again be able to play with ourselves together..... er, you know what I mean. 

1. As Jules said, you've caught me in a bit of a transitional period right now. I have no idea what the future is going to be, but for the first time I am not to afraid of it.

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