17 February 2015

Quick Hits

I wonder... Instead of limiting campaign contributions in any way, and making all political donations transparent and disclosed, what would be the results if we made all political giving anonymous? Not even the candidate nor his/her staff would be aloud to know where the money is coming from. 

What do you suppose the overlap is between those that talk of personal liberties and the impending police state, and those that say if only these people would have done what the cops said to do they would still be alive?

Does anybody else think of a podium as the Locution Location?

The problem with any economic or governmental system based on enlightened self interest or "man's rational nature" is that human beings, taken as a whole, are neither enlightened nor rational.

If you ever feel like saying, "I don't care what the numbers/data/science says, I know what my guts say," just remember that your guts have shit for brains.

Just wondering... what difference would it make, if any, in public opinion and then public policy, if things like crime statistics and reporting stopped using race as a category, and instead used economic demographics. Black on black murder or crime would not be used, for example, instead we would only look at the numbers from an average income per neighborhood or even zip code point of view. So no more, "a black man has an x percent chance of being murdered or jailed by the time he is 30" and change that into "Men from neighborhoods with an average income of 0 to $20K have x percent chance..." and "Families from neighborhoods with incomes between $100k and $250 are 50 times more likely to start their own business," or whatever.

My hypothesis is that race is a non-factor in what becomes of us, but our economic environment is, and that if we were to start looking and presenting whatever data we have in that light, and not race, we would be able to focus on the real problems.

I have recently come across the word Homunculus something like three or four time. It's a lovely word, but I'm just not sure how to slip it into casual conversation.

OK, what do you think the overlap of these groups are: those who are pro-globalization and those that are very anti-one world government. Conversely, how about those that are pro-one world government but very anti-globalization? 

After some deep consideration, self reflection and soul searching, I have concluded that I am indeed, at least a little bit, about the treble. 

Thought of the day: when ever you buy TP, you're flushing money down the toilet. 

And finally, what do you think the overlap is between men who consider themselves "rugged" individuals and those that have heated steering wheels?  

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